Exploring our Architectural Heritage

Woodbridge United Church (1886)
8090 Kipling Ave
Quick Facts:
After the first settlers moved to York Region in the 1800's preachers made visits to the people living on either side of Yonge Street from Lake Simcoe, this was the start of something new.
The first trace of the church was when the people living in the village of Woodbridge met in homes to study the Methodist teachings of John Wesley.
As the numbers grew so did the church and it later became a small building made out of logs
20 years passed and the church progressed to a larger brick structure in the year 1856.
The laying of the Cornerstone of the Woodbridge Methodist Church was on July 13th, 1886
The Methodist church in Woodbridge, now Woodbridge United Church, was built in 1886 to house the combined congregations of the Wesleyan Methodist Church and the Primitive Methodist Church.
In 1967 the church joined York Presbytery, this represented all of the United Churches in York Region
Research contributed by Mikayla Tersigni.
“City of Vaughan Heritage Inventory.” Development and Planning Department, 2005.
https://www.vaughan.ca/services/business/heritage_preservation/General Documents/Register of Property of Cultural Heritage Value.pdf
Wood, Mary, and Angela Esterhammer. “The Methodists.” A History of Vaughan Township Churches, edited by Catherine Macfarlane and Patricia Somerville, Vaughan Township Historical Society, 1985, pp. 234–241.
Company Architects. “Woodbridge Heritage Conservation District Study and Plan .” Woodbridge Heritage Conservation District Study and Plan , Office for Urbanism, 2009.l Heritage Value, City of Vaughan, 2005.
“Woodbridge United Church.” Woodbridge United Church, www.woodbridgeunitedchurch.ca/.
“Heritage Preservation.” City of Vaughan, www.vaughan.ca/services/business/heritage_preservation.
www.vaughan.ca/services/vaughan_archives/findingaids/VaughanDocuments/Vaughan TownshipChurches Collection.pdf.
“Woodbridge Heritage Conservation District Study and Plan.” Woodbridge Heritage Conservation District Study and Plan, 2009, pp. 1–161. Prepared for the City of Vaughan

"Woodbridge United Church, ca. 1900,"
M990-30, Mary Wood Scrapbooks, V.12, inside cover (1).
Courtesy of Vaughan Archives.

"Woodbridge Methodist Church
ca 1900 8090 Kipling Ave" M993.19
Courtesy of Vaughan Archives.