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In Ontario, a Victorian style building can be seen as any building built between 1840 and 1900 that doesn't fit into any of the aforementioned categories. It encompasses a large group of buildings constructed in brick, stone, and timber, using an eclectic mixture of Classical and Gothic motifs. 19th century urban centers are packed with lovely residences and small commercial buildings made with bay windows, stained glass, ornamental string courses, and elegant entrances.

  • Red or orange bricks are standard in Victorian buildings. 

  • Most farmhouses had a veranda of sorts

  • Dichromatic brickwork adds a Gothic flavor, as does the vergeboarding

  • A lozenge pattern in the high gable was a common decoration.

Excerpted from:

S. Kyles, “Victorian (1840 - 1900),”

(accessed July 15, 2021).


To learn more:

Blumenson, John. Ontario Architecture: A Guide to Styles and Building 1784 to the Present. Markham, Ont.: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1990.

Kalman, Harold D. A History of Canadian Architecture. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1994.

Mikel, Robert. Ontario House Styles. James Lorimer & Company, 2004

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