Exploring our Architectural Heritage


St. Andrew's Presbyterian, 1862
9680 Keele Street
The church was founded by a group of Scottish Highlanders
It was built in the in Carpenter Gothic style to serve a Church of Scotland congregation that was organized in 1829
The first mass was held on November 11, 1862.
Masses continued to be held in the Gaelic language until the 1950s.
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was recognized by the Ontario Heritage Trust as a heritage site (By-law 180-79) in 1979. It is also protected by Part 5 of the Ontario Heritage Act section 42.1 because it is part of the Maple Heritage Conservation District (By law 167-2007).
Construction Material: Wood
Research Sources:
“History of Maple.” City of Vaughan. Accessed October 8, 2019.
“History - St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Maple, ON, Canada.” Google Sites, St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, sites.google.com/site/standrewspresbmaple/about-us.
Ontario Heritage Trust, www.heritagetrust.on.ca/en/.
Macfarlane, Catherine, and Patricia Somerville. A History of Vaughan Township Churches. Vaughan Township Historical Society, 1985.

"Maple St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, ca 1900." (MG 5)
Courtesy of Vaughan Archives.

Undated photo courtesy of Vaughan Archives.